I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
Covering Japan? I taught a unit of study on the country of Japan for 32 years and would love to share some my notes, activities and resources I used with my students.
This resource is for teachers to use to introduce the country/culture of Japan to their students. There is also an activity page with 10 web quest, a map skill activity and some fun facts about Japan.
Other resources that go along with my unit on Japan:
1. If you’d like to have a reading in the content area for social studies, Travel to Japan, may be just the thing for a classroom lesson! The reading takes students(grades 4-8) on a trip to Japan to learn about its geography, customs and places to see. There are also extension activities,a map skill activity and comprehension questions to use with your students as well as a list of resources. Japan, Travel to Japan Reading Activity
2. Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms for a unit on Japan? Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Japanese Puzzler: Secret Message Activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review vocabulary terms on Japan. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different terms into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a “secret message” about Japan is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the “secret message”. It’s a fun way to reinforce important vocabulary for a unit of study on the Japan! If you prefer to offer a vocabulary box, I have included this as well.Japan Puzzler, A Secret Message Review Activity
An English primatologist, Jane Goodall, has helped to change the attitudes people had toward animals, specifically the chimpanzee. Her method of studying chimpanzees involved living amongst them, for over 55 years. She is also known as an anthropologist, humanitarian and writer. She has worked for better treatment of animals in zoos and protection of the habitat of animals in the wild.
Students will have fun learning about the life of Jane Goodall with my Reader’s Theater Script. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series, a “studio audience” asks questions of Ms. Bie Ografee’s guest, Jane Goodall. In addition to the host and guest, there are 10 audience questioners. There are several DiD You Know? facts, comprehension questions, a map activity as well as a Teacher Page with additional extension activities and the keys.
Other Resources of Interest:
Rachel Carson (Reader’s Theater Script):
Jacques Cousteau:(Reader’s Theater Script)
Chess, yoga,the game Parcheesi and the place value -zero are just some of the gifts we have from India.Want to introduce your students to the country of India? This resources will be most helpful.Basic notes,mapskill activity, lots of extension activities and links to get your students engaged in learning about the country of India.
NOTE: April Fools’ Day and April Fool’s Day are both used but sources say April Fools’ Day is more correct to use.
Great Activity to Introduce students to REAL vs. FAKE News Identification!
Want to introduce your students to the history of April Fools’ Day? This resource provides a reading for students as well as lots of interesting famous April Fools’ Day pranks such as this one that happened in Switzerland in 1957.A news show aired a video on a spaghetti harvest in the country of Switzerland. People were pulling strands of spaghetti dangling down from trees. People actually called the news show asking how they could purchase a spaghetti tree! Additionally, there are extension activities as well as a Test your April Fools’ Day IQ(can you spot the True News Stories from the Fake ones?). There are also comprehension questions for the students to answer after reviewing the resource.One class period for Grades 4 and up.
This Resource Goes well with April Fool’s Day:
Check out my Resource on Digital Critical Thinking(Is that FAKE News?) Is That FAKE New?
Whenever different cultures meet, ideas are exchanged. Did you know that skiing was started by the people of Norway? Did you know that the kite and fireworks were invented by the people of China? The idea of Trial by Jury and the idea of Democracy come to us from the Ancient Greeks. Chocolate came from the Aztecs people and the ancient Mesopotamian people first came up with a number system based on 60.
During the holidays is a great time to share with kids the many traditions which have been shared with different cultures. Learn the history behind some popular holiday traditions with this webquest.
Introduce students to the county of South Korea. There are 11 web questions, lots of Did You Know? facts, comprehension questions and a teacher page with 7 extension activities. There is also a key for both the web quest and comprehension questions and additional links for teachers. Although the activity could be done in one class period, if you decide to do some of the extension activities, this resource could be used over several days.
10 question webquest, comprehension questions(writing in content area) and fun facts have Need information to use with your students on map skills? I would like to share my mini-unit on mapskills with you. Included are notes, lots of activities to use with your students and resources. A 10 question webquest, comprehension questions(writing in content area) and fun facts are also included.
American Revolution/ Revolutionary War: Studying the 13 Colonies/Colonial Times? This resource would work great for such a unit of study. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee’s Reader’s Theater Scripts, I really had fun developing this play about the Culper Spy Ring and specifically, Agent 355, one of the female member of the organization!
During the Revolutionary War, the Culper Spy Ring was organized to work to defeat the British. Agent 355 and other members of the spy organization were very important in the colonists being victorious in the War for Independence from England. Although Agent 355’s real name remains a mystery, she was one of the women spies who showed that patriotism has no gender! Secret codes, invisible ink, LAUNDRY used to communicate messages, what spies did during the Revolutionary war, lots of information is weaved into Agent 355 being a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show with the studio audience asking her questions.
Great for study on the Revolutionary War, during Women’s History Month or any time you are looking for a fun/informative play to use with your students!
Lots of extension activities, links, a Did You Know Fact section, comprehension questions and the key are also included.
George Washington asked for the spy ring to be organized and interestingly, it’s secret group was only discovered in the 1930s, about 140 years after the American Revolutionary War by historians reviewing some of George Washington’s private papers.
During the American Revolution, Tories supported the British in the war. Loyalists, the King’s Friends and Royalists were other names for those that took sides with the British. Students will learn about what it was like to be a Tory during the American Revolutionary War. Joshua Crabtree(fictitious character) is a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show. The format of the Reader’s Theater Script is that a studio audience asks questions of Ms. Bie Ografee’s guest to learn what it was like to support the British and not the Patriots during the American Revolution.
There are 10 questioners, A Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and a Teacher Page with extension activities and the key. American Revolutionary War: A Visit with a Tory!
Students will learn about Wilbur and Orville Wright with this Reader’s Theater Script. These two men helped to change the world with their controlled flight in a self-powered flying machine. Today, both Wilbur and Orville Wright are considered the “main fathers of modern aviation.” It is amazing to think that from the first successful airplane flights to man walking on the moon was just 66 years!
Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series, Wilbur and Orville are guests of Ms. Bie Ografee and her studio audience ask the guests questions about their lives. In addition to the play, with 12 audience questioners, there are Did You Know Fun Facts, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities and the key to the comprehension questions.
Check out these additional resources on Aviation History:
Wright Brothers, A Webquest.
Did you know that people actually thought that the airplane would have not real purpose? This informative web quest will help students learn about the Wright Brothers and their first flight. Extension activities as well as additional links for information are also provided as is the key: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-wright-brothers-and-the-airplane-webquest-extension-activities-11149801
Try this fun and informative play based on the To Tell the Truth Game Show. Students in grades 4-up will have fun acting out their parts and learning interesting facts about Amelia Earhart. Comprehension/discussion questions/ extension activities and links, too: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/amelia-earhart-a-reader-s-theater-script-11148766
Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about Bessie Coleman. Bessie was the first African American female pilot in the U.S. A. AND the first AMERICAN to receive an international pilot’s license! Comprehension questions/extension activities, key. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/bessie-coleman-aviator-a-reader-s-theater-script-11148760
Aida de Acosta did something really amazing in 1903. She became the very first woman to fly a powered aircraft all by herself. In fact, Aida, piloted the dirigible six months before the Wright Brothers would make their historic flight. Even more amazing, she kept what she had done a secret for almost thirty years!
This reading passage includes Did You Know? fun facts, comprehension questions and a teacher page with extension activities. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/women-trailblazers-aida-de-acosta-first-woman-to-pilot-a-powered-aircraft-11855466
Learn about the Tuskegee Airmen with this play. The format is a Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series where the studio audience asks questions of Charles A. Anderson, one of the Tuskegee Airman. Audience members ask questions of the guest.
Included are Did You Know? facts, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, links and the key:
Constitution Day is September 17th each year(except for 2017) when the day falls on a Sunday and will be celebrated on September 18th. This play would be a great addition to your lessons about the U.S. Constitution.
Part of my Ms. Bie Ografe series of plays, this Reader’s Theater Script is on the “Father of the Constitution”, James Madson(1751-1836), and his sharing with students the history of the writing of the Constitution. Madison who would become the 4th President of the United States(1809-1817)), played a very important role in the forming of our US Constitution. In addition to being a delegate, he introduced the first additions to the Constitution(amendments) which came to be known as the Bill of Rights. With 13 audience questioners, a Did You Know Section, comprehension questions, a Teacher Page with extension activities, key and additional links, students will learn about the writing of our important government document, the Constitution.
Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: Dr. Seuss, Charles Dickens, Johnny Appleseed, Albert, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Bessie Coleman Sacagawea, George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, an interview with a groundhog, an interview with a leprechaun, an interview with Simon, victim of the Black Death, An Interview with Agent 355, a female agent in the Culper Spy Ring(Revolutionary War), Interview with a 49er from the California Gold Rush , Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, Katherine Johnson and more.
Learn all about the ancient Phoenicians, lived in present day Lebanon, who gave the world the alphabet, the color purple, glass and more.
Phoenician Bundle includes:
Mini Unit on the Phoenicians
Review Secret Message Activity
Reading on Hannibal, Carthage General during Punic Wars
Reading on Hanno, Phoenician Sea Explorer
Purple Game
Doing a unit of study on the ancient Mesopotamians? Save with this bundle of resources(which can also be purchased separately):
1. Mesopotamian: Unit of study with notes, activities, links and more.
2. Hammurabi: King of Ancient Babylon: A Reading Passage.
3. Learn about the region known as the Middle East: A Webquest.
4. A Mesopotamian Puzzler: A Review activity using vocabulary words from a unit of study on Mesopotamia.
Want a student version only, just send along a note and I will sent it along. I am in the process of adding a student version to my different resources. Gail
Eiffel Tower Reading Passage/Comp. Questions/ extension activities
Taj Mahal Reading Reading Passage/Comp. Questions/extension activities
Great Wall of China Reading Passage/Comp. Questions/ extension activities
Uluru(Ayers Rock) Reading Passage/ Comp. Questions/extension Activities
World Landmark A Webquest(13 webquestions/ Comp. Questions/ extension Activities
US Landmarks, A Webquest (12 webquestions/Comp. Questions/ extension Activities
Greeks: A Unit of Study with notes, activities and links
Socrates: A Reading Passage with comprehension questions, activities
History of the Famous Games which began in Ancient Greece-an Internet Activity
County in Focus: Let’s Learn about the country of Greece-an Internet Activity with activities, links.
Ancient Greek Secret Message Review Activity
Learn about the ancient Egyptians with these resources(which you can also purchase individually):
1. Egypt: A Unit of Study includes notes, activities, links, web quest and more.
2. King Tut: A Reader's Theater Script
3. Ramses the Great: A Reading Passage
4. Hatshepsut: First Female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, a Reading Passage
5. Mummies of the World: A Webquest
6. Egyptian Puzzler: Review Activity using vocabulary terms on Egypt.
A bundle of FIVE Reader’s Theater Scripts from my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series. The six scientists in this bundle include:
Galileo Galilei
Sir Isaac Newton
Jane Goodall
Albert Einstein
Rachel Carson
Use these fun/informative STEM biographical plays during a unit of study in science, for Women’s History Month or for a Friday Biographical person day or before a vacation.
The format involves an appearance on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show where audience questioners ask the guest questions about their life and contributions to science. It’s a great opportunity to have students role-play and show their acting skills.
Each play is also available for purchase separately.
I also have a bundle of SIX other Reader’s Theater Scripts: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11483934 This resource has plays on the following:
Elizabeth Blackwell
Thomas Edison
George Washington Carver(also in my African American Trailblazer bundle)
Jacques Cousteau
Marie Curie
Katherine Johnson(currently in the news as she is highlighted in the movie,“Hidden Figures”)
My bundle for the 2016 Presidential Election includes:
1. Presidential Challenges:What do You Know about the Presidents?
2. Presidential Webquest/Extension Activities
3. White House Webquest/Extension Activities
4. Election 2016: Webquest/Extension Activities
A bundle of six Reader’s Theater Scripts from my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series. The six scientists in this bundle include:
1. Elizabeth Blackwell
2. Thomas Edison
3. George Washington Carver(also in my African American Trailblazer bundle)
4. Jacques Cousteau
5. Marie Curie
6. Katherine Johnson(currently in the news as she is highlighted in the movie,“Hidden Figures”)
Use these fun/informative STEM biographical plays during a unit of study in science, for Women’s History Month, Black History Month, for a Friday Biographical person day or before a vacation.
The format involves an appearance on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show where audience questioners ask the guest questions about their life and contributions to science. It’s a great opportunity to have students role-play and show their acting skills.
Each play is also available for purchase separately.
Studying the Romans? This resources includes the following products to assist in the teaching of Ancient Rome and the Romans.
Ancient Romans-Unit of Study with activities and links
Ancient Roman- Secret Message Review Activity
Italy and Ancient Rome-A Webquest with activities and links
Diocles: Famous Charioteer (Reading Passage with activities)
Spartacus: Roman Gladiator(Reading Passage with activities)
Julius Caesar: ( Reading Passage with activities)
All resources are also available to be purchased individually.
Gail Hennessey
This resource includes the following:
Unit of Study on the Middle Ages(notes, suggested activities and resources).
Secret Message Review Game on the Middle Ages
Bayeux Tapestry Reading
Black Death: A Reader’s Theater Script
The Crusades: A Reader’s Theater Script
The Vikings: A Reader’s Theater Script
You can go to each of the resources to see a preview…
All resources are also available individually.